January 23, 2020 10:42am Twelve Months One year. ONE YEAR. “I can’t imagine, any greater fear. Than waking up, without you here. And though the sun, would still shine on.… January 23, 2020: ONE YEARRead more
Tag: feelings
December 23, 2019: Eleven Months
12/23/2019 10:42am Eleven months. Eleven months of lonely even when I’m not by myself. This morning before I went to bed, the lyrics that popped into my head: Lay a… December 23, 2019: Eleven MonthsRead more
November 23, 2019: Ten Months
11/23/2019 10:42am Ten months. Two months until it is a year. How? HOW could it already be almost a year since you left me? Left our life? Our future? Our… November 23, 2019: Ten MonthsRead more
November 14, 2019: Beginning of the end, 1 year later
A friend of mine recently shared the list below for couples to repost with their own info . . . . it made me sad. But I also thought I… November 14, 2019: Beginning of the end, 1 year laterRead more
October 23, 2019: Nine Months
CN: Visually painful, descriptive, and jarring memories from severe hospital ineptitude mentioned. Starting/ending of that section is marked. (Text only, no photos, btw.) 10/23/2019 10:42am Nine Months Alone. I… October 23, 2019: Nine MonthsRead more