Starting October 24, Teresa began taking her latest chemo: Cabometyx (cabozantinib). She managed 13 days before the heartburn side effect, and by day 13, nausea, became too much for her.… Into The WoodsRead more
Tag: CBC
Cycle 2, Day 8 & 9 (Chemo -Gem/Tax)
My apologies for taking so long to post this. Teresa had asked me to wait a few days so we could see if she would have any side effects from… Cycle 2, Day 8 & 9 (Chemo -Gem/Tax)Read more
Cycle 2, Day 1 (Chemo – Gem/Tax)
Yesterday, Teresa started her second chemo cycle and received her third dose of gemzar (gemcitabine). It was Halloween, so we dressed up. T wore her Top Gun jacket and kept… Cycle 2, Day 1 (Chemo – Gem/Tax)Read more
Second Post-Op Visit, Bristol Oncologist, & Traveling to NY
On Wednesday, September 20, Teresa had her second post-op visit with Dr. Greene. While I cannot remember what he said verbatim when he walked in the room and saw her… Second Post-Op Visit, Bristol Oncologist, & Traveling to NYRead more
Monday, September 11, 2017
After going around in numerous circles with BRMC and Quest (lab) in Greensboro, NC, I finally got results of Teresa’s CBC and chest x-rays from 9/6. The pleural effusion is… Monday, September 11, 2017Read more