He said no. I pressed his PA for a reason. She said his reason was the tumor burden was too big. I explained about her first surgery and the tumor… Surgery/Dr. Kato updateRead more
Category: Doctor Appointments
Duke Cancer Institute: The Saga
I’ve combined the main Duke posts to this one post. They were published September 11 and September 19, 2018. Duke Cancer Institute is in Durham, NC.——————————————————— Last week, Dr. Musgrave & Company began the referral process to Duke for emergency surgery. Dr. M. wants her to have… Duke Cancer Institute: The SagaRead more
Thoracentesis, COBRA, and Referral to Duke Cancer Institute
Thoracentesis: September 6, 2018, would have been her next day for chemo, but since the CT showed it wasn’t working, she didn’t have that. She did, however, get to have another… Thoracentesis, COBRA, and Referral to Duke Cancer InstituteRead more
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Appointment #2
On Thursday, June 28, we had our second appointment at DFCI. This was to meet with oncology surgeon Dr. Jiping Wang. We had high hopes, because why would Dr. Nathenson… Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Appointment #2Read more
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Appointment #1
Today Teresa and I met with Dr. Michael Nathenson, a medical oncologist and sarcoma specialist. He came highly recommended by another patient of his. He is kind, intelligent, easy to… Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Appointment #1Read more