Note: I started writing this before midnight on January 22, but now it’s the 23rd, which throws off some date references below. When I say yesterday, I’m referring to Monday, January 21. It is much harder to keep a straight record when you or someone you love is… A Change Will Do You . . . Good?Read more
Category: CaringBridge
Surgery/Dr. Kato update
He said no. I pressed his PA for a reason. She said his reason was the tumor burden was too big. I explained about her first surgery and the tumor… Surgery/Dr. Kato updateRead more
BRMC Doesn’t Have T’s Best Interests at Heart
BRMC has wanted to put Teresa in hospice since she was admitted last November. Doctors suggested to skip the ureteral stents and have “an easy death”. Teresa has refused every… BRMC Doesn’t Have T’s Best Interests at HeartRead more
Voicemail (or Texts) for Teresa
If you would like to just leave Teresa a voice mail on her new iPhone that she can listen to as she is able, please e-mail me or send me… Voicemail (or Texts) for TeresaRead more
Help with Pressure (Bed) Sores Needed!
Yes, they’re turning her (mostly) every 2 hours. Yes, they’re packing the wounds. But the bleach solution they are using is doing very little in the way of healing. And… Help with Pressure (Bed) Sores Needed!Read more